𝕏 Music indicates the possibility of 𝕏 offering platform for music artists in the near future.
It's quite a spectacle to witness 𝕏 branching into the realm of music, becoming a holistic platform that competes with other brands
🎧 $XMUSIC - We are a decentralized platform, where we believe in an evolution through music, we develop protocols and consensus that ensure security for our investors, but above all profitability... We have as main services currently
Contract: 0x3dE0483880230824d192FB4ff812e25e00327686
2.1 Telegram bot live
2.2 Unique NFT's 
2.3. Metaverse MusicGPT
2.4. Among other features

🎧 Their main goal is to give our investors a chance to listen to earn; we know that music accompanies us in several daily and routine activities. You can relax with XMUSIC
A growing network of DeFi Apps.
Total Supply:
1 00 000 000 (100%)
Initial liquidity:
Buy 1% / Sell 1%
Ecosystem Value
As the first of its kind multi-value native asset, XMUSIC tokens have ecosystem value beyond gas. The tokens can be staked or held for a variety of powerful utilities.
3.1. Discounts
XMUSIC token stakers can unlock discounts across a variety of ecosystem products, particularly the XMUSIC Data Market. This utility has the potential to drive mass distribution, with each participant in the ecosystem having a serious incentive to lock up XMUSIC.
3.2. Liquidity
As the native asset of the ecosystem and unstoppable decentralized gas token, XMUSIC cannot be censored, making it a powerful money for the data economy it builds. Data miners and buyers transacting in XMUSIC have the benefit of immediate liquidity and forego the fees of having to trade in/out of other money.
3.3. Network Validation
XMUSIC token stakers lock up their position to validate the network. These can be delegated as well. The ecosystem nodes in turn earn a portion of block rewards, which mature to be sustained by network transaction fees.

Phase 1

  • Setting Fundamentals
  • Starting Social Media Channels
  • Website 1.0
  • Token Listing
  • Social Media Platform Demo
  • CoinGecko / CoinMarketCap Listing

Phase 2

  • Website 2.0
  • Token Locking Platform Demo
  • Token Swap Launch
  • Social Media Platform 1.0
  • First Community Competition
  • Preparing Staking Rewards

Phase 3

  • Staking Platform Launch
  • First Marketing Campaign
  • Token Locker Launch
  • Website 3.0
  • Collecting Liquidity on XMUSIC
  • DAO Platform Launch

Phase 4

  • MusicGPT Bridge
  • Token Launchpad on XMUSIC
  • MGPT Dapps on XMUSIC
  • Social Media Platform 2.0
  • Global Marketing Campaign
  • CEX Listing

© 2023 XMUSIC

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